Since I've got so much time on my hands lately, I have taken to watching the vampire series 'Moonlight' on YouTube nightly no matter what. I'm kinda sad that CBS didn't make a second season of this great show but who knows how they make their decision in the offices but I hope they grow to regret it.
Apart from how great the writing, acting and sets are in this show, only one thing keeps me coming back to watching it and that reason is a Mr. Alex O'Loughlin who plays the lead Mick St John the vampire detective. I've developed kind of a silly crush on Alex and I find myself trolling Internet sites for images and interviews on him and I come across this picture of him which I love because it looks like a cover from a historical romance books that I loved as a child and sometimes still read when in need of some romance.
It fascinates me how one can have a crush on someone they hardly know and will never know. Kinda like a crush on a school teacher that you know will never lead anyway (well sometimes it does but shouldn't really). All I know is that I'm now looking forward to seeing more of Alex on TV or big screen.
Hi lind81, just wanted to drop a note to say I love your blog. Thanks
Alex made a cool vampire, wasn't he? I wish MOONLIGHT had more than one season too, so many stories to tell..
Moonlight will be airing on SCI-FI this Jan 23.
SciFi channel will start airing reruns of the first season on January 23, 2009 @ 9:00. Now you could catch it on the TV screen, and become hooked just like the rest of us. And if you are really loving Moonlight and Alex check out this site...
Hi there, Lind81! I just found a link to your blog on Moonlight Forever, and I just thought I'd tell you that you have found the BEST vampire show there is! We are also sad, mad, upset and frustrated that they cancelled our lovely show, and more importantly, took away the opportunity to see Alex O'Loughlin once a week! But I wanted to invite you to visit my blog on the TV Guide site: http://community.tvguide.com/blog/M00nlighters-Blog/800067674. There is a great bunch of ladies there and we talk about Moonlight and everything else under the sun, just like you said you do on your blog! We'd be happy to have another Moonlight lover join us and keep the show alive. We are actually recapping each of the 16 episodes that aired and are up to Number 11 now (Love Lasts Forever). We include what we liked about it, what we didn't like, our favorite lines and lots and LOTS of photos! If you check it out, the oldest post is at the bottom with all comments, and moves up to the most recent posts, which are at the top. You are welcome any time, but I hope you continue to enjoy Moonlight and Alex, the sexiest vampire around!
Botz girl - if you love Moonlight and Alex and MickBeth come join us at:
We have been blogging since Sept 2007 when MLight first aired. There are about 10 of us who won't let go nor do we want to. We would welcome all new ML lovers. There are many, many ML sites "out there", we a just one of them. We're anxiously waiting for Sci-Fi channel to start airing Moonlight. Eps and DVD start:
36 days until the release of the Moonlight DVD, Season 1!
39 days until Sci-Fi begins showing Moonlight episodes!
Please come join us and have fun. We talk about everything and other shows too but mainly Moonlight.
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