I know this video is a bit old but I just had to blog my favourite song in the new Santana album. Santana rocks!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006

Friday, December 15, 2006

Thursday, December 14, 2006
When the Basarwas heard the judgement they were dancing and singing, but I wonder if it has sunk in yet that, yes they can go back, but Government doesn't have to give them the services that they have gotten used to. In the end, in my opinion, The Botswana Government has won. They are not obliged to help the Basarwas in CKGR. They don't even have to pay for they legal fees and bare in mind this court case has been going on for years and most of these people don't have jobs.
Baswaras will greatly suffer if they don't get Government's help. The CKGR is in a desert area where there is little or no water. The next town is extremely far for people to go and buy food and other necessities. It is really in the middle of nowhere and the fact that SI was fighting to return these people to nothing really boils my blood. Who knows what stories they were told by these organisation when the case was still on. Now they are going to have to face the consequences. The Government was simply trying to bring Basarwas closer to bigger towns where they could enjoy the services given to every Motswana. Because they were so far, bring those services to them was very costly. Since the Government provides free ARV treatment to every HIV sufferer, pays for school from primary to tietery level for every Motswana, you would see why they needed to reduce cost where they could, while bringing Basarwa closer to social developments.
Prior to the relocation, Government provided services like food rations, water, health facilities and transportation of children to and from school outside the reserve and these services cost government more than P55 000 per month and now these services are gone with the government not obliged to restore them to the residents of CKGR. So how pry tell SI would the Basarwas survive without those government hand-outs?
The Basarwas lawyer, Gordon Bennett, said that the Basarwas should decide,even if it meant resuming a 'simple existence as hunter-gatherers'. WHAT!!! In this day and age, does he really think that people could survive and make something of themselves through that existence? How would they take their kids to school if they can't pay for a bus? How would they afford necessities without money? I mean they is NO money and improvement in life by being a hunter-gatherer. They only thing is being a spectacle for Western tourist.
Roy Sesana,the leader in this case and the fellow in bed with SI was extremely happy about the result. But he doesn't even live in the CKGR. Thanks to the pounds given to him by SI, he has a lovely expensive car and a huge house in the capital city Gaborone and his children are driven to expensive English medium schools in Gaborone. He doesn't even know what it is like waiting for water at the reserve and he said he was happy for 'his people'. How is he going to help 'his people' get food, water or access to health facilities when he only thinks about them when it comes to putting his face in papers and travelling to places like London and USA.
The Government announced last night that the residents moving back to the CKGR will have to apply for special permits to kill wildlife. People moving in and out of the reserve will have to apply for permits. Animals, like cattle are not permitted to move in or out of the reserve. You have to get permission to bring water into the reserve. And only people of the CKGR are permitted to come into the CKGR. So really what victory did they receive?
Mr Bennett said that the Basarwas were not really interested in Government services but I wonder if that would still be the case when they arrive to nothing.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Friday, December 08, 2006
Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Sad
I was ecstatic to find this scene in youtube. This is my favourite movie of all time. This scene just kills me I just had to blog it. These two actors are the best in Bollywood and putting them together in a movie is a sure way of getting a hit.

While I was out shopping on Saturday afternoon, I happened to pass a trendy teenager wearing a cap bearing Che Guevara's image . Now this trend of wearing t-shirts or caps bearing this image has been something that has bothered me since the days of University. Most of the people who have worn his image are (I'm assuming) people who have no idea who he is and what he stood for. In University, the kids were all from wealthy families who drove the latest car and the t-shirt (with his face) cost an arm and a leg.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
The news site wrote that the little girl, aged five, had never even received toys or gifts in her life. Her mother and stepfather had thought she had stolen 30 cents, just 30 cents and had forced her to put her hands on a hotplate and then hit her while her hands were still on the hotplate.
The police received an anonymous phone call about a girl walking around with burns on her hands. The police reported that the bandages found on her where put on by the neighbours and not even the parents. Can you believe it! The neighbours knew about this and probably all the other abuses and never even called the police, and the one person who did was not even brave enough to leave a name. When the police found her the wounds on her hands were already going septic and was taken to the hospital. While at the hospital, she told them that her parents beat her all the time.
There is another news story in news24 about a murder of a four year old boy by the lover of his mother. The mother and her lover were sentenced for his death last week.
I know you can't temper with any one's right to being a parent but they are just some people who should not be allowed to be parents. I don't understand how someone can stand to see her child in pain, a pain caused by them. Obviously the girl's parents knew that what they had done was wrong because they didn't take her to the hospital.
In the other case, both murderers were women so you can't say that a woman is more nurturing and loving, or that she can't control what a man does to her children, but it's all bull. The hatred that one can have for one's child is very mind-boggling.
I sometimes wonder after reading about child abuse, what we can do as a society to stop this. I for one believe that first of all the neighbours were also abusing the girl because they knew about the abuse and they did nothing about it. If we as a society stand up and act when we see abuse and stop the parents or parent then that would be a stepping stone to ridding society of this evil. Also I think, and I know that this will probable be controversy, that parents who have been proven to be abusers should never be allowed to be parents again. Either to the abused child and to other unborn children. I believe this behaviour comes from within them and will never go away so children should never be raised by them.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Campaigners said his statement does not go far enough and have called for a full disclosure of facts and compensation for the families of African people who were sold for slavery.
After reading the news item, I went to Have Your Say and was astonished at the British attitudes to this expression of 'sorrow' and the apology. Some were going on that slavery happened 200 years ago so why should Britain apologies for something that happened so long ago. And some were saying British people should be happy that Britain was the first country to abolish slavery not apologies, and some were saying why do people only concentrated on Black slavery what about the slavery within Britain under Romans and Vikings. Well, the word I would use from reading the posts will be 'shocked'. The racist comments from these 'liberal' people was utterly shocking. But I wasn't surprised, these comments are part of the legacy left by slavery. The thought that these people do not know what it's like to have been under some one's thumb made me angry towards their attitude.
People, mostly people of European descendant are against apologising for slavery because they are afraid of reparation, economic reparation. The thought of them handing out money to Black descendants leaves them shaking in their boots. But they have to admit that slavery and colonialism played a role in the economic development of their country. Businesses, banks to be more exact, profited from the slave trade. African societies were ransacked and new societies were built on the labour and lives of Africans. Slavery and colonialism were carried out for the economic enrichment of Europe and its descendants. So these people who are crying out that they did not have anything to do with slavery and so should not apologise are enjoying the fruits of slave labour.
Stephen Smith said on an online discussion that 'refusing to give an apology is denying responsibility as a nation and serves to re-enforce racial divisions' and I agree. Racial attitudes and mindsets originated from slavery. It was these mindset that also created colonialism, where European countries saw Africa and Africans as mere objects to use and exploit. 'Slave mentality' that Bob Marley sings about in his redemption song derives from slavery. So surely people could see that repercussions of slavery still run deep today so to brush it away as something that happened 200 years ago is foolish and very detrimental.
An apology could be a starting point for people who benefited from slavery and colonisation to build bridges with the victims (slave descendants) of this brutality because living descendants of slaves have not forgotten that slavery existed. Africans have not forgotten that colonialism existed and we still celebrate our independence every year (Botswana's Independence is on the 30 September).
But I must admit some had a point in pointing out that some African chiefs had a hand in selling their people to the slave traders and this needs a proper evaluation of why people would exploit their own. And if reparations are ever made will their descendants pay they price.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
lupe fiasco ft jill scott daydreamin
Man, this song is sooo sick!Lupe is such a lyricist and Jill brings this song to another level.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Monday, November 20, 2006
I just had to blog my congratulations to my home girl Tebby Gasenelwe for becoming the first Survivor Africa winner.
Tsholofelo Gasenelwe, the 24-year old who hails from Kanye, Botswana was crowned survivor after 21 days playing the game at Panama. Here in Botswana everybody is delighted with the results and I'm sure the whole city will be there at the airport waiting to sing her home.
We are a very small country with little happening here and when something like this happens we all celebrate together because it brings joy to us all.
Monday, November 13, 2006

I say that the recent trend of celebrities being so thin that you could count their rib cage is extremely disturbing. Of cause, young women look up to these women because they are being hailed as 'IT' in the media. The media will show a picture of an emaciated celebrity and go 'oooh' and 'ahh' and 'how great they look now they lost how many pounds' that makes you sick. When the celebrity gets to a point where the media themselves can't agree with the way she looks, they trash her and tell her to eat something. Forgetting that they encouraged her to begin with.
We have to admit that we as women do not look the same. We have different body shapes. Why are we then trying to all look like stick figures? It was amazing to read about how many celebrities have eating disorders and how some of them died because of it. But I wasn't surprised. If you were always on the spotlight with zoom lens on your cellulite wouldn't you stop eating? So I guess I'm saying the blame partly lays with the media, the media that idolises 'thinness' and unattainable beauty. The media that always tells us how to dress, how to wear make-up, how to loss weight and doesn't celebrate the greatness that is diverse humanity.
Weird Al
I've been a fan of this dude ever since I heard Amish paradise and fat. He's very funny. I love his take on Chamillionaire's song 'Ridin Dirty'.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Talking about the children, Britney wants sole custody which is something Federline is planning to fight (with what I wonder? He has no money!).
Monday, November 06, 2006

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Gnarls Barkley - Smiley Faces
Finally in these day and age, a music video with some imagination. I'm glad someone sat down and actually thought about what they were going to do and this video really captures the music. It's fantastic!
Give it up to me-sean paul ft keyshia cole
I really like this guy's songs and the original was good but somehow the vocals of Keyshia make this version explosive.
Sean Paul is a pretty good-looking guy but what is with the shaved sides? It just looks weird.
I went to watch 'Step Up' after seeing this video but what a disappointment! I wanted my money back but I guess we all make mistakes.

When I saw that John had released another album I was a bit taken back because I'm still enjoying his debut album 'Get Lifted' so I went out of my way to hear is new project 'Once again'.
Well, what can I say, from the first beats of 'save room' to the drum, choral sounds of 'coming home', I was never disappointed. I'm even tempted to say that this album even beats the three Grammy winning debut album with its musicality and its maturity.
In this album, John Stephens flys solo with no collaborations (except in producing) and for this I commend his boldness and belief in himself and makes this product unique compared to what's offered in R&B today.
Truely John is indeed a Legend and he will be with us for a long time to come.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

While on the run from the feds in the States, actor Wesley Snipes is having a great ball at the Namib desert, going to gym and posing with fans. It has been reported that the actor is at the Sourthern African country filming a movie called 'Gallowwalker'. It is not known if the actor will return to the States at the end of filming to face the charges or make Namibia his permanent home.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Movie star Wesley Snipes has an arrest warrant after him when he failed to file tax returns and falsely claiming nearly $12 million in refunds.....
Wow the guy makes millions in just one movie and his still not satisfied. Now he's on the run and if found and faces prosecution then he can face up to 16 years in jail if found guilty. Just recently he was caught using a fake South African passport at the Johannesburg airport so that makes me think that he knew the fads were after him and he was planning his escape. Unfortunately the cops in SA just allowed him to board the plane back to the States where he disappeared.
I'm sure his going to live in some country where the US can't get to him, spending his millions and still making movies...The lives of the rich and famous.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

In the news it has been stated that the baby that Madonna wants to adopt is in the UK so that the couple and the child could get to bond. The Malawian courts have given Madonna the husband interim adoption.
The first time that the news come out that Madonna wants to adopt an African child they was much debate on the news and on blogs. I have been fascinated by the views given by people locally and internationally. Most importantly is the views given by Africans who have been adopted by westerners. Most of the views haven't been good. The one I have most interesting is the one written by Hannah Poole at http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,1888682,00.html in which she received a lot of flack about her comments.
Sure it's all nice and good to say that westerners are saving these children from a life of doom and gloom but are they really? We as humans have to admit that life is not about wealth and luxuries but about our emotions and pschology. Is ok if they save them from poverty but the children grow up to be confused and isolated within themselves?
The whole thing with Madonna has certainly shown me that money does talk. The Malawian government changed their stance on foreigners not being able to adopted Malawian children because it prefers that adoption happen within their country. As soon as they heard that Madonna was going to spend certain amounts of money in the country they did an adrupt turn. Surely the law was there for a good reason? If not why is the country divided and some organisations willing to take the matter to court. Why is it some westerners think they know what's best for Africa and for Africans?
My opinion is that if Madonna really did want the best for child then she would have realised the the best thing was for the child to stay with his father. She could have improved the standard of living for the child and his family by helping them financially or with entrepreneur skills so that they can improve their lives. Why did she think that taking a child from his biological father is the right thing to do?
Is there a system in place that will assure that this child will have a good upbringing emotionally and pschologically? Will they have yearly checkups to see if the child is happy and the family is a good environment for the child? These questions are not only for the Madonna issue but for anyone wanting to take a child away from their country and raise them on foreign soil.
It's amazing what time on your hands will do. To think they put so much energy in writing the words, getting the voice right and the images for these video. It's fantastic though and I'm people will agree with me when I say it's even better then the original.
There has been this big debate in Botswana and internationally as well with the Botswana government and Survival International and the Basarwa a.k.a Bushmen.
This issue is so big that our President Festus Mogae did the rounds at Washington DC last week.
What I don't understand is the way people are so quick to believe or agree on something they themselves have no idea about, or understanding. All they do is read some pamphlet organised by an NGO they have no idea about or the motives of that NGO and think that that is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Well the reality is that diamonds are a big part in the development of Botswana. It was the truth when the President said to buy a Botswana diamond is to support an orphan, fight poverty, ignorance and disease. Before diamonds where discovered by De Beers, Botswana was the poorest nation in Africa. Almost all of the population was below the poverty line. With the discovery of diamonds come development to Botswana in its social infrastructure. Batswana people,thanks to revenue generated by the diamonds, have access to free education, free health, job creation and a stable currency. We are now considered a middle income country thanks to these diamonds.
Botswana I'm sure is one of the few countries that gives its people free tertiary education and also a generous allowance while attended to their tertiary education. Parents do not have to worry about their children's education. Would it have been all possible if it won't for the revenue from the diamonds? I think not. Botswana's gross domestic product was $16.8 billion in 2005, of which about a third was derived from diamond investments. If we allow for Survival International to ruin Botswana's diamonds by unfounded allegations then all these developments will seize to exist and where will the nation stand?
Survival International seems to think that the Basarwa's are people separated from the rest of society, but they are wrong. Basarwa's are Batswana in their own right and they have the right to these developments derived from diamonds. Their children have they right to free education just like the rest of the nation and I'm sure Survival doesn't tell the world about Basarwa's who are educated and are productive members of society thanks to the free education in Botswana. I'm also sure that Survival hasn't put pictures of the place where the Basarwa's are being allocated to compared to where they where living before. If they did, then people will not be quick to denounce the government's intentions. Is it ok for a British NGO to come and tell us Batswana that we should stick to the olden way of living in our mud/straw huts and our hunting and gathering ways instead of growing with the rest of world? It is good to remember where we come from and keep the values and cultures of those days but not for it to keep us from evolving with the rest of the world. Instead of cattle farming, it is now globalisation. I'm sure the British have also given up their own olden traditions to modern day living. The government of Botswana is not saying to the Basarwa give up your culture and values, but it is instead giving them opportunities to improve their way of living. Of having running clean water, closer access of health clinics and hospitals and a school next door so that children don't have to walk long hours to their school. To those who disagree with this, I question their motives. Is it because they want to have a real show of Africans living in mud huts when they come for their African safaris instead of Africans having brick homes, in-door plumbing, air-cons, cars. This view of African does not go with their view of Africa and the images shown by western media.
Monday, October 16, 2006
When I first heard the song, I was really interested in seeing the video and I must say, I was disappointed, I thought the director will at least give some thought on the video but it's the same ol' tired thing of half naked girls and slinking dance moves. Come guys where's the creativity now days in music videos?